Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Letter to School Board

This is the letter submitted to the School Board by community member Robin Olsen. Seem like good suggestions to me.


  1. AMEN! I want to see this too!

  2. I would like to see any rebates, incentives, reimbursements or rewards-how is this accounted for? I have heard rumor of kick-backs that wouldn't show in these numbers or in an audit. How do we find the truth and real numbers?

  3. Good job Rob! I have your back on this.

  4. Sounds like a good idea, but would most people know what the expenitures actually were? Public budgeting is really quite vague. Without seeing tha actual invoice you would not know what the expeniture was, the line may read "Travel, office of the superintendent" and that could include mileage, airfare, or something else. Then the wonderful "supply" budget line, and practically everything can be thrown in there. Look at the budget, and say you understand everything. An audit just checks to see if money allocated to that particular budget is spent that way, auditors don't have the time to look through every invoice. There are not budget lines that read "lunches with staff" - so publiching these things wouldn't make sense to most. Maybe it would make people feel better, and they might question an amount, but in the big picture, the Board needs to be the ones that actually look at more things that are being spent on. A check could be written to a vendor and without viewing the actual invoice you would not know if it was something for the students or the Superintendent.
